
Brillantes banderas: un nuevo símbolo para Europa

Diseñadores de todo el mundo han sido invitados a presentar sus propuestas para una nueva bandera de Europa que refleje la realidad actual del continente. De los más de 1.400 diseños presentados se ha elegido 12 que serán izados en mástiles en el exterior de Hofvijver, en La Haya, desde el 31 de mayo al 6 de junio.

Bright Flags

A new symbol for Europe

Outdoor exhibition
Hofvijver, The Hague
Monday 31 May until Sunday 6 June

The current European flag, with the twelve golden stars against a blue background, was designed in 1955. Since then society in Europe has changed dramatically. Nowadays various cultures live and work together in a relative small area. What is the impact of this new, dynamic society with its diversity in culture, language and traditions on Europe’s identity? How do Europeans experience Europe? And how can that identity take shape?

Designers from across the world have been invited to consider these questions and to submit their ideas for a new symbol for Europe. More than 1,400 designs from 63 countries were received. An international jury selected twelve. These new symbols will adorn the flagpoles at the Hofvijver for a week.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a debate, featuring representatives of the European Commission and designers discussing Europe’s identity. The exact date, time and location will be announced on this website.


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