
El Melanesian Spearhead Group tiene ya su bandera oficial

El Melanesian Spearhead Group, una organización intergubernamental intergada por los estados de Fiji, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Islas Salomón y Vanuatu, así como el Frente de Liberación Nacional Kanako Socialista (FNLKS) de Nueva Caledonia, ha adoptado una bandera oficial, fruto de un concurso cuyo ganador ha sido el ciudadano de Vanuatu Florence Toka.
Aún no conocemos los detalles del diseño elegido.

The Melanesian Spearhead Group now has an official flag.

The flag was raised for the first time recently beside the flags of the 5 member countries of the MSG, which are Vanuatu, PNG, Fiji, Solomon Islands and the FLNKS of New Caledonia.

The idea for a flag for the MSG was raised in 2008 during the official opening of its secretariat in Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila.

A competition was then launched for a design for the flag within the member countries.

The winning design by Florence Toka from Vanuatu.

The MSG was formed in 1984.

Radio New Zealand International

1 comentario:

  1. Anónimo10:06 a. m.

    Pueden ver la bandera aquí:

