Aficionados taiwaneses están planeando burlar la prohibición de mostrar banderas de Taiwan en los Juegos Olímpicos. En lugar de la bandera de la "isla rebelde", ondearán la de Myanmar (Birmania), cuyo diseño es muy parecido, de forma que a una cierta distancia es dificil distinguir una de otra.
Taiwanese plan to skirt Olympics flag ban
A Taiwanese newspaper says fans are preparing to skirt a Chinese ban on displaying the Taiwan flag at the Olympics by waving the Myanmar flag instead.Tuesday's United Daily News reports that fans plan to wave the Myanmar flag because, like the Taiwan flag, it features a blue star-studded square on the upper left corner of a red backdrop.From a distance, the two might be confused.Taiwan competes in the Olympics under the name of "Chinese Taipei." China considers the self-ruled island a part of its territory. The two sides split amid civil war in 1949.Taiwan's baseball team is to compete against the Netherlands on Wednesday.
USA Today (imágenes: Flags of the World)
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